BOOKED is an award winning feature length comedy produced by 35th Parallel Productions. It was written by Chesney Mitchell, Cassie Maurer, and Eli Owens during their senior year together at CCM. The film follows the story of two misfit musical theatre students in their efforts to get into a top BFA program. The film had its first private screening in April of 2022 and has since been shown at various Film Festivals in the U.S. including New York Independent Film Festival, Flickers Rhode Island International Film Festival, Cindependent Film Festival, Poppy Jasper International Film Festival, and Sky Arts Film Festival. Taking home Best Feature and nomination for Best Actress at Cindependent Film Festival. Feel free to follow the journey of this film on instagram @bookedmovie or at our website

(Below are stills from the movie as well as pictures from the private screening, and film festivals!)

Check out the trailer for BOOKED!!!